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dress up artinya

contoh kalimat "dress up"
  • dress:    berdandan; berpakaian; membersihkan dan membalut;
  • up:    atas; bangkit; di atas; ke atas; up; bangun;
  • dress:    berdandan; berpakaian; membersihkan dan membalut; pakaian; gaun; mengenakan pakaian; menyiapkan; merawat; melakukan; membebat; membenarkan; menutuh; menyaluti; terusan; berbusana; mengandam; menjadw
  • the dress:    the dress (fenomena internet)
  • academic dress:    pakaian akademik
  • article of dress:    baju
  • ball dress:    baju dansa
  • battle dress:    pakaian serdadu
  • dinner dress:    baju malam
  • diving dress:    pakaian penyelam
  • dress a wound:    membalut luka
  • dress circle:    panggung terrendah pd bioskop
  • dress coat:    jas hitam berekor panjang; baju
  • dress code:    aturan berbusana
  • dress down:    mencaci-maki; menegur; menengking; menyemprot; menggurui; mengaibkan; menyentil; mencela; mencercai; menyegak; mengkritik; marah; memaki; menembis; mencerca; menggebos; mendamprat; merajuki; memarah
  • You don't have to dress up as a girl!
    Kau tidak pantas berdandan seperti seorang gadis!
  • Why do you dress up and watch cricket matches?
    Mengapa kau berdandan dan menonton pertandingan kriket?
  • How much more time will you take to dress up?
    Berapa lama lagi kau akan berdandan?
  • All dressed up and no place to go.
    Semua berpakaian dan tidak ada tempat untuk pergi.
  • Pretty dressed up to be digging into a book.
    Berpakaian bagus hanya untuk menggali sebuah buku.
  • But you've all dressed up to the do.
    Tapi kalian semua memakai gaun di acara ini.
  • You didn't have to get all dressed up for me.
    Anda tidak perlu mendapatkan berdandan untukku.
  • Mother will have to dress up nice and pretty.
    Ibu akan berpakaian dengan rapi dan cantik.
  • No. I ain't dressing up like no baby.
    Tidak, aku tak berdkamun seperti bayi tidak ada.
  • How nice, you're all dressed up to the nines!
    Betapa baiknya kamu semua berpakaian sampai sembilan!
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata kerja
  • put on special clothes to appear particularly appealing and attractive; "She never dresses up, even when she goes to the opera"; "The young girls were all fancied up for the party"
    Sinonim: overdress, fig out, fig up, deck up, gussy up, fancy up, trick up, deck out, trick out, prink, attire, get up, rig out, tog up, tog out,

  • dress in a certain manner; "She dresses in the latest Paris fashion"; "he dressed up in a suit and tie"
    Sinonim: dress,

  • dress in a costume; "We dressed up for Halloween as pumpkins"
    Sinonim: costume,

  • make something appear superficially attractive; "The researcher tried to dress up the uninteresting data"; "Don''t try to dress up the unpleasant truth"
    Sinonim: window-dress,

  • put a caparison on; "caparison the horses for the festive occasion"
    Sinonim: caparison, bard, barde,